UKIPT Nottingham and Moving On From Heads Up SNGs
Its been a while since the last update so lots to talk about; mainly my move away from HU SNGs. Since the big staking result and some good results at 5/10 both live and online I think I've pretty much hit the ceiling of heads up SNGs on iPoker. I'm now comfortably rolled for $500 games but theres just not the traffic to make those games my sole form of income so I'm making the transition to 6max cash. It might seem a bit irrational to not play heads up cash but I think the situation is pretty much the same as in the SNGs. Once you get to 5/10 there really isn't enough action whereas at 6max there is plenty.UKIPT Nottingham went well despite bricking both the main and the 'high roller' (cringe at that name every time) tournament. Both tournaments pretty much went the same with me being completely card dead for about 9 hours between the two tournaments and then getting coolered to bost both. Gotta love tournaments. Fortunately DTD was rammed so the atmosphere in there was pretty cool and with some London players up in Notts there was plenty of 5/10 cash going. This threw a few tough circuit regs into the games (Devilfish, Ben Vinson, Neil Channing, James Mitchell) but I ran pretty well and ended up taking £5.8k putting me up £3.7k after tournaments and I nicked $1.2k online so a sucessful weekend overall
Playing cash online has thrown up a few tilting issues with Holdem Manager and multiple currencies because I'm playing across Euro, Pound and US Dollar tables but I'll get used to it. I'm running pretty hot over my ridiculously small online sample, winning at 34bb/100 over about 1300 hands. Be sustainable?
Nothing planned poker-wise for the next couple of weeks, just the £300 deepstack at DTD March 4th so gunna be getting my head down and putting in some proper volume online and hopefully setting right my horrible PTR number!
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